An Mheitheal Comhshaol Cooperative Ltd


Education/ Training/ Languages

About Us

An Mheitheal Comhshaol Cooperative Limited is a not-for-profit cooperative that promotes and supports sustainability, community development and a just transition.

Our main trading enterprise is An Mheitheal Rothar - which does all things bikes, cycling and sustainable transport. We run:
- A Bike Shop based on Earls Island sells and repairs, bikes, e-bikes, 2nd hand bikes, parts and accessories.
- A Bicycle Mechanic Training Centre based in Liosbán people can learn to repair and maintain bicycles.
- Galway's Community Bike Workshop beside our shop on Earls Island, a facility open for anyone to repair their bike.
- A Bicycle Recycling Centre takes old bikes and brings them back to life while providing training and employment opportunities for people with employment challenges.

As well as the services at our locations we offer mobility visits and workshops in schools, businesses and community's to promote sustainable and active travel and all the benefits that come with that.